Mapping Quantum to Music

Each pure state is a statevector representing a superposition of basis states, e.g. (statevector) = (a|00> + b|11>) / sqrt(2) = (a|0> + b|3>) / sqrt(2). The basis state numbers (e.g. 0 and 3) of the superposition of states are mapped (using a note map) to the MIDI note numbers to be played. The volume of each note is calculated as the probability of the basis state in the statevector (e.g. |a|^2 and |b|^2) multiplied by the probability of the pure state in the statistical distribution. So each pure state is a chord and because the statistical distribution can have multiple pure state terms, this means that multiple chords can be playing at the same time.
Each pure state of the statistical distribution is assigned a instrument collection. The instrument in the collection that will be used to play a note is determined by the corresponding basis state’s phase in the superposition. The angles are discretised to match the size of the collection, where an angle of zero corresponds to the first instrument. A list of up to 8 instrument collections can be specified when making the music video (see below example). The collections from the list will be assigned to pure states in the statistical distribution in order of decreasing probability. If there are less than 8 collections specified, the remaining pure states will use the last instrument collection in the list.