Gary Mooney

Gary Mooney

Hello and welcome! I'm Gary, a quantum computing researcher and game developer who likes to climb rocks.

I am a recent PhD graduate with a focus on three areas of quantum computing: benchmarking current IBM Quantum devices by generating and measuring quantum entanglement, optimizing the process of mapping problems onto noisy near-term quantum devices, and exploring ways to decrease the quantum resource costs of large-scale universal fault-tolerant quantum computers. As a research fellow at the University of Melbourne, I am now part of the IBM Quantum Network Hub, where I collaborate with Ford on quantum computing approaches to combinatorial optimization problems in the automotive industry.


Fig. "Optimal embedding of a complete graph onto a quantum annealing architecture with nearest-neighbour couplings," depicted through my submission to the CQC2T Quantum Graphics Competition (2018). The image showcases a modified simulated annealing algorithm I coded during my masters degree, which uses Visual Effect Graph's particle systems in Unity to represent clusters of connected nodes. The goal of this optimization problem is to color these clusters so that every colored cluster is connected to every other colored cluster, while using as few nodes as possible.

Media Articles:

PhD Thesis:
